Uttarakhand mainly comprises the hilly regions and possesses a wealth of natural seses a wealth of Natural beauty in the form of several attractive hill form of several attractive hill resorts as also some of Hindustan’s most sacred pilgrim sites includeing Badrinath and Kedarnath. The capital of the new state is Dehradun.

Uttrakhand is divided into two major sections, Garhwal and Kumaon, both equally known for their majestic hills and natural beauty. Every year’s millions of pilgrims from around the country embark on a pilgrimage to the Garhwal Himalayas to worship at some of the most sacred shrines of Hinduism. The two rivers of Ganga and Yamuna, considerd most holy land called Devbhumi or the abode of the Gods”.

Uttarakhand also houses the holy city of Haridwar considerd, like Varanasi, the most sacred city of Hinduism. Haridwar opens the doorway for the Vally of Gods. There are many centres of spirithe Velley of Gods. There are many centres of spiritualism and meditation in Haridwar and millions of pigrims and tourists from Indian and abroad regupilgrims and tourists from India and abroad regupilgrims and tourists from India and abroad regularly visit the city in their quest for enlightenment. In the glaciers, valleys and forests of Uttarakhand, reverberate sacred hymns of the Vedas, and you feel the place, as timeless as the universe itself.